
Showing posts from March 10, 2019
Hello Readers :) Glad you have stuck around this long to see this [slow but steady] progress.  It is Mid-March and even though I only started this journey a couple of months ago it seems like  F-O-R-E-V-E-R !!! Can you feel me??  Ugh, I don't know why it seems like so long.  It is pretty strange.  At least I have established some good habits of eating smaller and more balanced meals and plenty of exercise and movement.  Truth be told I seem to have energy in the daytime that I never used to have.  It's been a challenge and I have had my "off" days but overall I think I am doing well and making progress towards my goals.  Hope you are making progress as well. Here's to the next 25 lbs! :) Love Ya,  The Fat Lady